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It's the night before the launch of the Ethos Collection and I'm here working and ....reflecting. I'm realizing it's been nearly a year from December 2021 since I launched new product.

There have been a lot of moments during the time in between where I had to really re-think my purpose and whether or not I wanted to continue pursuing design and running a (small) business.

When I launched Season 3 last year, it was the largest collection to date. In other words, it was the most financially draining and exhausting yet rewarding collection to date. I knew I wanted to embrace design but I didn't have the foresight or organization to find consistent stride. For that reason, I found myself burnt out and questioning myself for the 6 months that followed my drop date.

I spent the first half of the new year in 2022 calibrating my energy, taking care of myself, and evaluating WABM. I was in a dark place because what I thought would make me happy (WABM) actually made me question myself.

But after conversations with friends and time alone spent reflecting, I strategized a new future for the brand. This new future included designing garments here in Los Angeles rather than overseas and where the brand could scale in hopes of profitability. To achieve this, I decided to split my product offering into Seasonal Collection (Cut and Sew) and an Ethos Collection (Evergreen).

The Ethos Collection is special to me because 1) it's been a journey getting to this point again of having meaningful product to share and 2) it's my outlet to iterate the wordmark and concept of With a Beginner's Mind using everyday basics as the medium. With the release coming out tomorrow, each garment was intentionally designed to be accessible, easy to wear, and impactful. 

The goal is to offer the Ethos Collection throughout the year to serve a bridge between the ethos of WABM and my design developments. With my first evergreen collection, you'll see a range of graphic tees, fleece, and hats that anyone can wear. Most importantly, all the items tie back to key themes of a beginner's mind: mindfulness, self-awareness, and reflection.

I've worked tirelessly to bring to you the best representation of With A Beginner's Mind. I'd like to consider this drop as a reintroduction with a fresh outlook, creative direction, and strategy. All things considered, I hope you find something you love within tomorrow's assortment or learned something new by browsing the site.

In the coming months, I'll share more about my plans for my next collection, Season 4 "Count Me Out"...

-Matt Pham