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*Adapted from A-Tree, a Creative Games for Friends


Do you have any rituals to start your day?

That's a great question! (laughs) I actually just switched up my routine. It used to be waking up and immediately scrolling on Instagram. These days, I find myself starting my morning with my Peloton - I just recently got one. I'll either try to go for a morning workout or meditation to relieve my anxiety and set my intentions for the day.


Do you listen to music in the morning?

Yes - most of the time. Having said that, the music really depends on my mood. It ranges from Dua Lipa to Kanye West to Young Dolph.


When do you put your shoes on (and why)?

Man, I'm Asian so I only put my shoes on when I'm about to leave the house. However, around the apartment, I like to wear house slippers! I'll typically leave my house between 9:35-9:45 and arrive to work within 20 minutes! These days, I'm working in office everyday and I actually prefer it.


What are you working on atm (from where)?

I'm working out of Los Angeles and as far as what I'm working on, it's two things. I have a day job, which I find really fulfilling. And then I have my passion project / brand, WABM. For WABM, I'm currently working on a new illustration with an artist I admire. More on that in the future...


What does the city mean to you?

Oh man, I hate being asked that question but I'll totally answer it. I'm still figuring that out. While I moved here to chase my dream, I honestly still find myself dumbfounded being able to articulate what else I love about the city. As I've gotten older, I realize LA is great but there's almost too much noise and distractions.


Tell us about your own brand WABM (With A Beginner‘s Mind), and maybe how you e.g. approach a new season on this personal canvas?

I started WABM in 2020 as an opportunity to learn design and share more of myself in an introspective way. More than the clothes itself, what I've come to really value is the connection to other people. It's comforting to know that my honest thoughts resonate with people and what they're going through too.


As with most designers, I approach each season by exploring a curiosity and then chasing that thought all the way to execution. What I think sets me apart is my ability to storytell and give people a peek into my mental and design process.


Your opinion on a beginner‘s mind, DS2 (the album) and Aesop/ Avocados (pick one)?
(laughs) Wow, you really got my mind racing. All great questions!!


    1. A beginner's mind has grounded me in my more recent years. I'm grateful for my friend Gabe who first introduced me to the ethos years back
    2. DS2 is one of the best albums ever. I have a LA Kings jersey that I customized to be inspired by DS2
    3. Aesop all the way. I love the way the hand soap exfoliates my skin
What are you most proud of lately, Matt?
Lately, I'm most proud of my ability to label my emotions and to choose happiness. Even when things don't exactly go my way, I remind myself that there's always something in life to be grateful for. And because of that, I try to place my focus there.


And, how does your day end in LA, with this zen focus?
I've been trying to end my day with hot tea. There's something comforting to decompressing and sipping slow - I would best describe the feeling as a warm hug. It soothes my anxiety and helps me end the night on a good note - letting go of my 1 million thoughts before sleep.